descubriendo el masaje tántrico

Discovering tantric massage: beyond the myths

Erotic tantric massage is a practice that has gained popularity in recent years, but with it numerous myths and misunderstandings have also arisen.

Throughout this article we are going to unravel the truth behind some of the most common beliefs about this ancient art and we are going to learn more about its essence and benefits.

Join us on this journey of discovery and demystification!

What really is tantric massage?

Tantric massage is a technique that combines tantric philosophy with the art of massage. Its main objective is to awaken and channel sexual energy, connecting the body, mind and spirit. Unlike what many think, it is not only an erotic experience, but also a journey of self-knowledge and deep connection.

Benefits of tantric massage

Beyond the myths, tantric massage offers numerous benefits, both physical and emotional. Some of them include:
● Improves blood circulation.
● Reduction of stress and anxiety.

● Strengthening the connection with oneself and with one’s partner. ● Unblocking and channeling sexual energy.

The story behind tantric massage

Tantric massage has roots in ancient India, where tantra was a spiritual practice that sought the union of the human being with the divine. Over the centuries, this philosophy merged with massage techniques, giving rise to the tantric massage we know today. It is important to understand that tantra did not focus solely on the sexual aspect, but on the life energy that flows through us.

The role of energy in tantric massage

In tantric massage, energy plays a fundamental role. It is believed that we all have seven chakras or energy centers distributed throughout our body. Tantric massage seeks to balance and unblock these chakras, allowing energy to flow freely. When this happens, we experience a feeling of well-being, harmony and connection with ourselves and the universe.

The importance of the communication

One of the keys to tantric massage, especially when practiced as a couple, is communication. It is essential to talk openly about boundaries, expectations, and sensations

experienced during the massage. This communication not only ensures a safe and consensual experience, but also strengthens the connection between participants.

Tantric massage in popular culture

With the rise of spirituality and interest in Eastern practices, tantric massage has gained popularity in the West. However, it is essential to differentiate between the Westernized vision and the traditional one. While in the West it has focused more on the erotic aspect, in its origin, tantric massage was a tool for personal and spiritual growth.

The future of tantric massage

As more people discover the benefits of tantric massage, its popularity is likely to continue to grow. However, it is essential that it be practiced with respect, knowledge and awareness, avoiding falling into misunderstandings or a reductionist vision of this ancient technique.

Myths and reality

Myth 1: Tantric massage is only for couples

Fact: Although it is true that many couples turn to tantric massage to strengthen their connection and improve their intimate life, it is also an individual practice. Many people go to tantric masseuses to discover themselves and work on personal aspects.

Myth 2: Tantric massage always has a happy ending

Fact: The goal of tantric massage is not to reach climax, but to awaken and channel sexual energy. While there may be moments of great pleasure, ecstasy is not the primary goal.

Myth 3: Only experts can practice tantric massage

Fact: While it is advisable to go to a specialized tantric masseuse for a complete experience, anyone can learn the basic techniques of tantric massage and apply them in their daily life.

Some tantric massage tools

Although tantric massage focuses on the hands and skin-to-skin contact, other tools are also used to enhance the experience.

Essential oils:

These oils not only make it easier for your hands to glide, but also have therapeutic properties. For example, lavender oil can help you relax, while ylang-ylang oil can enhance sensuality.

Soft music:

The right music can create an environment conducive to relaxation and connection. It is recommended to choose soft melodies, without lyrics, that invite introspection.

Candles and aromatherapy:

Soft lighting and pleasant aromas can help create an intimate and relaxing environment, ideal for tantric massage.

In short, erotic tantric massage is an ancient practice that goes beyond simple physical pleasure. It is a powerful tool for self-knowledge, connection and comprehensive well-being. It’s time to leave the myths behind and embrace the truth about this ancient technique.

We invite you to share your experiences with tantric massage! Your testimony can help demystify this practice even more and help more people discover its benefits.

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